Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
DRAMATIC ARTS The Middle School and Senior School drama programs at Havergal are designed to provide students with opportunities to develop their personal attributes, technical skills, knowledge of theatre and abilities in public speaking, presenting and performing. Methods and strategies for learning include class exercises and performances (improvisation, mime, the analysis of performance style and the development of acting technique), written reflections, script writing, historical and theoretical study and theatrical production. In the intermediate grades, the focus is on activities and reflections that provide a supportive environment in which a young woman can develop her self concept and her expressive skills. As she moves into the senior grades, the student is encouraged to deepen her awareness of theatrical traditions, strengthen her technical skills and broaden her ability to work creatively and collaboratively. The courses offered in drama follow a progression. Students learn basic drama skills and build an understanding of the characteristics of conventional and experimental theatre through study and performance. The program is enhanced by student productions in class and by optional participation in plays presented in the fully equipped Legacy Theatre each year, including the Middle School/Havergal Youth Theatre play, the Senior School play and the Senior School One Act Plays. Students are invited to audition for Crescent School’s production, which provides an additional opportunity to perform in a full length play.
GRADE 7 Grade 7 Drama
This course is designed to foster a student’s self- confidence and ability to focus her energy as she develops a range of expressive skills and an increasing awareness of others. Units include concentration and movement exercises, mime, tableaux, scene development and physical theatre.
GRADE 8 Grade 8 Drama
The emphasis of this course is on characterization and concentration. Through writing and memorizing monologues, as well as participating in elaborate process dramas, the students present fully developed, thoughtful “characters” to their classmates. The basics of set and lighting design will also be taught.
GRADE 9 ADA1O – Drama, Grade 9, Open 1 CREDIT
This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms and techniques, using material from a wide range of sources and cultures. Students will use the elements of drama to examine situations and issues that are relevant to their lives. Students will create, perform, discuss, and analyse drama, and then reflect on the experiences to develop an understanding of themselves, the art form, and the world around them.
GRADE 10 ADA2O – Drama, Grade 10, Open 1 CREDIT
This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms, conventions, and techniques. Students will explore a variety of dramatic sources from various cultures and representing a range of genres. Students will use the elements of drama in creating and communicating through dramatic works. Students will assume responsibility for decisions made in the creative and collaborative processes and will reflect on their experiences.
54 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2021–22
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