Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
a course. Planned learning activities include interactions between the teacher and the student and assigned individual or group work (other than homework) related to the achievement of the learning expectations in the course. Planned learning activities will be delivered through classroom or eLearning instruction and activities. (7.1 ON Schools 2016 pg 70) Returning from an Extended Absence Upon returning to school after an extended absence due to illness, parents are asked to send an email of explanation that will be shared with the school nurse. The nurse keeps this note on file. To prevent the spread of infection, students should not come back to school until they have completely recovered from any kind of infection. In the case of communicable diseases such as measles, chickenpox, etc., the school must be provided with a medical certificate indicating that all danger of infection is over and that the student is fit to return to school. Academic Policy for Havergal College Students on Exchange Academic Policy for Havergal College Students on Exchange Exchange guidelines are specified in materials made available to parents and students. The school values exchange opportunities; however, students are responsible and accountable for essential Havergal course content. Our goal is to provide support to students such that they can benefit from the Exchange without academic penalties. 1. To ensure that students going on Exchange receive the support that they need, students will inform all of their teachers of their Exchange dates and discuss academic requirements well in advance of their departure. 2. In all subjects, course teams, with the support of the Department Head, will decide what is considered essential material that must be covered and how it will be covered while students are away on Exchange. Where feasible, students may not be expected to complete assessments due when they were away, although they are responsible for the material covered. In some courses, this may not be possible. 3. Students must meet with teachers well in advance of their departure on Exchange to determine what work must be completed and how/when it will be completed. The student will record this information on the Google academic agreement form, that is shared with all the student’s teachers and the Manager, Senior School Student Engagement. This form must be completed prior to the student leaving on Exchange. The Manager, Senior School Student Engagement will create the form. 4. When students return to school from their Exchange experiences, they have a minimum of one week before they must begin to complete assessments. 5. Students must review the essential material they have missed independently, but they can seek extra help, as they normally would, for concepts that are unclear.
2. Visit every teacher in person at an appropriate and pre-arranged time (i.e., not right before class starts). Ask them what work will be covered and what you must do to ensure this work is completed. During this time, you should make arrangements to complete any assessments. Students must complete the school’s shared Google document so they can track their responsibilities while away. 3. Students are responsible for providing assessment evidence for the overall expectations missed during their absence. Students must use their Veracross class website to stay up-to-date with their classes. 4. When it is possible, students should complete assignments in advance of the absence. 5. When students return to school, they must submit all assessment evidence and complete all quizzes or tests and meet with their teachers to confirm they are up-to-date with missed class material. Unplanned Extended Absences Sometimes it is necessary for students to miss school for an extended period of time when they are sick, injured or otherwise unwell. These, and other kinds of unplanned absences, can present at any time during the school year. In these instances, Havergal will reasonably accommodate and support the student. In general, however, when students are unexpectedly absent from school due to illness, they should check their Veracross class website to see what was missed during their absences, talk to their teachers about missed assessments and take responsibility for catching up on what they missed. In more serious cases, the school will act to reasonably support the learning needs of unwell students with compassion. These are uniquely considered on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Head of School. As the duration of an absence increases and opportunities to demonstrate the learning required in a credit* course decreases, the academic success of a student becomes uncertain. • Absences of eight school days or more resulting from illness or injury will require documentation from a physician. • Absences of eight school days or more for reasons other than illness or injury will prompt a meeting with the student, parents and a school administrator. • Absences resulting in 20 or more missed individual classes (¼ of the academic year) may put in jeopardy the credit of a course if the student is unable to complete the required assessments in a timely manner and/or does not show sufficient evidence of success on the overall expectations of a course and does not improve her attendance. • Absences resulting in 40 or more missed individual classes (½ of the academic year) will put the credit of a course in jeopardy and may result in the student being withdrawn from the course or be unable to earn the credit for that course (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2016. Print. Section 4.2 p 49-50) *A credit is granted in recognition of the successful completion (completion with a final percentage mark of 50% or higher) of a course that has been scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours. Scheduled time is time during which students participate in planned learning activities designed to lead to the achievement of the curriculum expectations of
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