Havergal College Course Calendar, 2019-20 Academic Year

Course Selection Process

Each student is an individual with specific commitments both in and out of school. Family responsibilities, leadership positions, music and drama programs, athletic activities and community involvement are examples of time commitments that must be taken into account when planning an academic program. Havergal College offers advanced and university track courses. Students should also consider their plans for further education when deciding on a program of study. Specializing too early or too narrowly can limit opportunities at a later stage. It is important, therefore, that students be aware of admission requirements in various post-secondary institutions and attempt to maintain an appropriate academic program. It is also important that all students make their course selections carefully in consultation with the Guidance Department, their Teacher Advisors, their subject teachers and their parents. Initial course selection and any subsequent change must have parental approval. Course selection begins in January and students must submit their course requests early in February. Student registration is one of the main determining factors in deciding whether or not a course will run. Student choices inform the creation of the school’s timetable. Thus, students must choose their courses thoughtfully and abide by the course selection deadlines. As the timetable is created in April, any course changes must be made by the end of March. In the event of the cancellation of a course due to lack of enrolment, students will be notified and will be asked to choose an alternative course. Requests to change a course after the deadline will be considered if space in the course is available. These requests should be made before school begins in September.


Credit: A credit is awarded by the Ministry of Education for successful completion of 110 hours of study in an approved course (a half credit is 55 hours). Prerequisite Course: This is a course that is absolutely essential for the successful understanding of the subsequent course. If there is no prerequisite listed, none is required for that course. Suggested Prerequisite: This is a course recommended by a department as background preparation. Ontario Student Record (OSR) (OS 4.1.1): The Ontario Student Record is the official record for a student. The OSR is maintained in the Guidance Office and contains achievement results, credits earned, diploma requirements completed and other information important to the education of the student. Students and their parents may examine the contents of the OSR. These records are protected by the Education Act and Freedom of Information legislation. Ontario Student Transcript (OST) (OS 4.1.2): The Ontario Student Transcript is the official record of a student’s scholastic achievement. Each course is listed along with the date of completion, the credit value and the mark achieved. Compulsory subjects are identified and the date that the diploma is earned is ultimately recorded. A permanent copy of the transcript remains with a student’s last high school. Experiential Learning Programs (OS 8.1) Experiential learning programs may be part of the delivery of the curriculum in all disciplines. Such programs provide students with opportunities to see how their classroom learning applies in a workplace setting and allows them to explore a career of interest as they plan a pathway through secondary school to their postsecondary destination. Experiential learning programs include job shadowing and job twinning, which may start in Grades 7, and work experience and cooperative education, which are offered in secondary school. For students who are 14 years of age or older and who are participating in experiential learning programs involving more than one day at the workplace, a Workplace Education Agreement form must be completed to ensure Workplace Safety and Insurance Coverage. (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12 : Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2016. Print. Section 8. p 81) Additional ways for students to complete courses and programs

Course Changes

Requests for course changes for September should be made before opening day. Where class size allows, Guidance Counsellors will attempt to accommodate requests. Guidance Counsellors are available for consultation in the week prior to school opening. No course changes will be considered after Thanksgiving. Course withdrawals must be completed prior to exams. The full disclosure rule applies for all Grade 11 and 12 courses ( see page 48 ).

Table of Contents | The Academic Program | Courses at a Glance | www.havergal.on.ca  49

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