Havergal College Course Calendar, 2019-20 Academic Year
Duty to Report Ontario’s Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) section 125 states that the public, including professionals who work with children, must promptly report any suspicions that a child is or may be in need of protection to a children’s aid society (society). The CYFSA defines the phrase “child in need of protection” and section 72(1) describes the specific circumstances that must be reported, including physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and risk of harm. A child is anyone under 16 (or appears to be) or who is 16 or 17 and subject to a child protection order. Any professional or official who fails to report a suspicion is liable on conviction to a fine of up to $5,000, if they obtained the information in the course of their professional or official duties. [CYFSA s. 125 (5), (8), (9)] (Source: http://www.children.gov.on.ca/ htdocs/English/childrensaid/reportingabuse/abuseandneglect.aspx) At Havergal College, we recognize the individuality of each child and that each person explores the world in different ways and possesses different strengths and weaknesses. We work together to help students come to understand themselves as learners and learn how to properly self-advocate. We celebrate the individuality of each girl and encourage every student to be her own person, to challenge herself, to learn from her challenges and to celebrate her successes. Learning Support Specialists are available to help all students (Junior, Middle and Senior Schools) understand their learning strengths and weaknesses and to assist teachers in working with students with different learning needs. They identify students needing accommodations, review extended assessments completed by private specialists, develop strategies to meet the needs of identified students, plan for any necessary accommodations, design professional development for teachers, coordinate meetings with families and teachers to discuss accommodations and recommendations and may help coordinate out-of-school support. The Learning Support Specialists review all psycho-educational assessments and create Individual Education Profiles (IEP), which identify annual program goals and describe the support that is available for that student. The accommodations are aligned to those of universities, colleges, provincial assessments and other standardized tests. Havergal will accommodate but not modify the curriculum. Students need a current psycho-educational assessment (within the last four to five years) on file. Generally, student assessments are completed in Grades 4, 8 and 12. Students going to university will be counselled to seek a current psycho-educational assessment. Learning Support Services
Local Health Integration Network Service Providers As part of our agreement with the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), Havergal is able to offer consultative support from designated service providers (such as an Occupational Therapist and Speech Language Pathologist, who provide services at the school one day a week). The Occupational Therapist (OT) provides specific consultation in the areas of fine and gross motor skills, sensory processing, self care, executive functioning and visual spatial concerns. The Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) provides consultation and therapy around speech articulation problems. These services require a formalized recommendation from a Havergal College Learning Support Specialist to LHIN, who then consider whether or not services will be supported. If LHIN approves the services, those services will be provided at the school, at no charge to the parents, for a limited number of sessions. School/LHIN Responsibilities: • In-school services are subject to LHIN approval. This process can take as long as six to eight weeks. • Appointments are booked by Learning Support Specialists and are offered during the school day. Parent/Student Responsibilities: • An appointment may be cancelled in advance by contacting the service provider and appropriate Learning Support Specialist for a particular grade. • If a student misses an appointment without first contacting the therapist and learning support specialist, it will count as an authorized session. • Students may not miss an in-class assessment scheduled by a teacher under any circumstance. Furthermore: • Once a student is discharged from a LHIN service, they are ineligible for the same LHIN services for one calendar year. • Under extenuating circumstances, upon acceptance of a formal request directed to the VP, Teaching & Learning, a limited number of private sessions with the same therapist may be provided at the school. Parents are responsible to cover the cost of these additional appointments and pay the service provider directly. • These extenuating circumstances must be agreed upon by the Havergal College Senior Administration prior to additional sessions being booked.
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