Havergal College Course Calendar, 2019-20 Academic Year
When a student anticipates difficulties in meeting an assessment deadline and meets with the teacher face-to-face in advance of the deadline, the teacher: • may consider setting a new deadline, if appropriate; • if a new deadline is set, remind students that this new deadline is absolute and failure to meet the deadline will result in a mark of zero; and • inform the parents and student by email or a phone call that a new deadline has been set and that failure to meet the deadline will result in a mark of zero. Once assessments are submitted, the teacher: • checks to make sure all the assessments have been submitted and follows up directly with students who have not handed in their work; • records behaviour events in Veracross for any students who have not submitted their assessment, including those students who have discussed a new deadline in advance; • meets to discuss next steps with students who have not submitted their assessment nor set a new deadline in advance (consequences include setting a new deadline, requiring that the student complete the assessment that day or assigning a mark of zero); and • promptly informs parents of a missed deadline through email or a phone call and outlines the next steps to be taken. The school will: • identify and discuss with the student and her parents any pattern of missed assessments or repeated extensions, as these are indicative of a more significant issue to be addressed; • reserve the right to limit students from attendance at co- curricular activities (e.g., school sports, excursions, events) where there is a significant academic concern around the completion of assessments; • reserve the right to not extend deadlines and assign a mark of zero; and • upon request, provide the opportunity for parents and students to discuss the process with the teacher, Department Head and/or Vice Principal, Teaching and Learning.
Attendance Practices and Procedures
At Havergal we expect engaged participation in the full life of the school. Havergal students are expected to be committed to their academic responsibilities and to their co-curricular commitments. Regular attendance at school is critical for student learning. The school makes accommodations where possible and appropriate for elite athletes and exceptional family requests. In such cases, parents must advise the school well in advance of the anticipated absences, where possible, so that the appropriate arrangements for academic support can be put into place. House/Form Attendance Attendance is taken in Form or House on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, attendance is taken in first period classes. All faculty and students must be in either Form/House or their Period 1 class by 8:20 am. Teachers record absences and late arrivals as of 8:20 am. Subject Attendance Each period, teachers record absences and late arrivals electronically. Students and parents are encouraged to make appointments for times other than during the academic day. Students who are late for class must first sign in at the Day School Office (DSO). Student Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals Students who arrive late or leave before the end of the school day must have permission from a parent or guardian and must always sign in and out of the DSO. This permission may be in the form of a written note, email from a parent or guardian email account or a telephone call. When students arrive after 8:20 am and before the Form/House has left for Prayers, Form teachers/TAs will record the student as late. When students arrive after the Form/House has left for Prayers, they must sign in at the DSO to receive an Admit Slip before going to Prayers, where they will sit in the Gallery. Students must be in proper uniform before they may sign in at the DSO. When students arrive after classes have begun, they must sign in at the DSO to obtain an Admit Slip before going to classes. When students have repeated lates, they may be subject to a detention.
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