Havergal College Course Calendar, 2019-20 Academic Year
Appeal Process The decision of the VP School Life & Student Wellness/Principal’s designate may be appealed by the complainant or the respondent in writing to the Principal within seven (7) days working days of receipt of the decision. The Principal will receive the material and refer the matter to the Chair of the Board of Governors for review. The Chair will review the decision of the VP School Life & Student Wellness/ Principal’s designate and make a determination in this matter. The Chair will make the final determination in the matter within 15 working days, absent exceptional circumstances necessitating a longer review period. Corrective Actions If the complaint has been substantiated, the seriousness of the occurrence will determine the school’s disciplinary response. Responses may include, but not be limited to: (a) a written reprimand delivered to the employee with a copy placed in the employee’s personnel file; (b) referral to counselling/course; (c) suspension with or without pay; or (d) dismissal for cause. In circumstances where a complaint has been substantiated, the onus is on the Principal to consider first and foremost the impact on the complainant. The complainant will be informed by the VP School Life & Student Wellness or Principal’s designate that corrective action has been taken and asked to report any further incidents of harassment or reprisal. In order to prevent a re-occurrence of harassment, the respondent’s professional conduct will be monitored by the appropriate supervisor. Time Limit for Filing Complaint Any complaint must be filed within a reasonable time following the occurrence of the event. The school adopts a six-month time frame and the school may, in its discretion, decide not to deal with the complaint when the facts upon which the complaint is based occurred more than six months before the complaint was filed. Time Any time limits set out in the policy can be extended if, upon the determination of the Principal of the school, there is an appropriate reason for doing so or if both parties agree.
iv. A signed written complaint will include:(a) Identification of the individual(s) involved and a clear description of the incident(s) of harassment including times, dates, places and names of witnesses, if any. v. The Principal/Vice Principal School Life & Student Wellness, or designate, as the case may be, shall confirm in writing to the complainant receipt of the complaint within seven (7) working days. After receiving the complaint, the Principal/Vice Principal School Life & Student Wellness, or designate, will appoint an appropriate designate to manage the complaint and carry out the complaint process. vi. Before forwarding the complaint to the individual alleged to have engaged in harassment, the VP School Life & Student Wellness/ designate or Principal, as the case may be, shall first meet with the complainant. vii. The VP School Life & Student Wellness/designate or Principal’s designate will forward a copy of the complaint to the respondent within seven (7) working days of receipt of the complaint. viii. The Vice Principal School Life & Student Wellness/Principal’s designate will discuss the complaint separately within the two parties and, on their recommendation, may consult with others who are in a position to provide relevant information. In conducting an investigation, the VP School Life & Student Wellness/Principal’s designate will ensure that the following steps are taken: (a) appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the complainant; (b) interview the complainant(s) and/or the third party reporting the complaint; ix. A third party investigator may be retained by Havergal to conduct an investigation in appropriate circumstances. x. If considered appropriate by the VP School Life & Student Wellness/Principal’s designate and/or the parties, the VP School Life & Student Wellness/Principal’s designate will prepare a written summary of any agreement, reached between the parties, including timelines, responsibilities and monitoring. xi. The investigation should be completed as soon as possible, ideally within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the complaint. If circumstances of the complaint will require longer than 15 working days for completion of the investigation, then both parties are to be notified of the reasons for the delay and the expected time for completion of the process. xii. Findings of the investigation and conclusions will be forwarded to both parties. xiii. The complainant, at any stage, may choose to withdraw the complaint. The school, however, may still be obliged to investigate. (c) inform the respondent(s) of the allegations and provide an opportunity for a response; (d) interview witness(es); (e) come to a conclusion about whether a specific incident did or did not occur based on a balance of probabilities; and (f) take appropriate action to resolve the situation.
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