Havergal College Course Calendar, 2019-20 Academic Year
2. What is Sexual Harassment? “Sexual harassment” means engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct against an individual because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. It further includes making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the individual and knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome. Sexual harassment may involve one or a series of incidents of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or other verbal or physical conduct that is either sexual or homophobic in nature, where: such conduct might reasonably be expected to cause insecurity, discomfort, offence or humiliation to the person to whom such comment or conduct is directed; or ii. submission to such conduct is made implicitly or explicitly a condition for the provision of professional services; or iii. submission to such conduct is made implicitly or explicitly a condition of employment or a condition of scholastic evaluation; or iv. submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for any scholastic decision; or v. such conduct has the purpose or the effect of interfering with a student’s scholastic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment at Havergal. Types of behaviour which constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: i.
Complaint Process by a Student Harassment does not commonly stop on its own, and instances of harassment generally get worse. If a student is a victim of harassment or is a witness to this, even though the student may be upset, the student should act promptly. Once positive action is taken, most harassment problems are resolved successfully and the offensive behaviour stops. A student may decide to use the informal complaint process or the formal complaint process. The student may take action whether the offender is a fellow student, a member of staff or another person participating in a school-sponsored program. Each student retains the right to decide how to respond to harassment. If a student believes that they have been sexually harassed, the student may wish to discuss the situation with a trusted adult. ii. As soon as possible, the student should write down the details surrounding the incident(s) including times, dates, places, names of witnesses, if any, and circumstances surrounding the incident(s). iii. The student may wish to speak directly to the person involved. The student may choose to do this alone or in the presence of a trusted adult. If the student chooses to speak to the person, it would be helpful to make a note of the conversation that took place. The person should be told that the behaviour is unwelcome and must stop. iv. The student may wish to advise the person by letter. If this option is chosen, a copy of the letter and record including the date and time of its delivery should be kept. The letter should: a. be brief; b. be factual and clear; c. give date(s), time(s) and locations(s); 1. Informal Complaint i. v. If the student is not satisfied with the results of the initial contact or if the harassment continues, the student may request the presence of a teacher, guidance counsellor, social worker or administrator to assist with the discussion so that the parties may focus on the issues and work toward achieving a satisfactory resolution. vi. The student may involve a trusted adult in any of the above informal process options. vii. If the harassment is not resolved at the informal stage, the student may choose to initiate a formal complaint. 2. Formal Complaint – Harassment by a Student of a Staff Member or Student i. The student/staff who has experienced harassment (the “complainant”) will submit a written, signed complaint to an administrator. ii. A signed complaint should include identification of the individual(s) involved and a clear description of the incident(s) of harassment including times, dates, places and names of witnesses, if any. d. describe the specific incident(s); e. state the impact on the student (i.e., how it made the student feel); f. state what the student would like to happen; g. and be signed by the student.
(i) sexist jokes causing embarrassment; (ii) sexually degrading words used to describe a person;
(iii) the display of sexually offensive material; (iv) sexually suggestive or obscene comments or gestures; (v) unwelcome inquiries or comments about a person’s sex life; (vi) unwelcome sexual advances or propositions; (vii) persistent unwanted contact or attention after the end of a consensual relationship;
(viii) requests for sexual favours; (xi) unwanted touching or leering; (x) verbal abuse or threats related to gender or sexual preference; and (xi) sexual assault.
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