Havergal College Course Calendar, 2019-20 Academic Year
7. Investigation and Documentation The general procedure that Havergal will observe to investigate and address any reports of breaches of the Havergal College Code of Conduct is as follows: The person who observes or learns of the incident/ behaviour will report it as soon as possible to an administrator. The administrator will conduct an investigation of the alleged breach. iii. The investigation will include interviewing individuals in order to determine the degree of involvement, facts and related issues. iv. As part of the investigation, a student will be provided with an opportunity to explain her conduct, respond to the allegation and be heard regarding the student’s position with respect to the incident/behaviour in question. v. The school will document all discussions and interviews undertaken as part of its investigation. vi. After initial interviews, the student(s), and parent(s) as required, will be informed of the facts as determined by the investigation. vii. Initial interviews may conclude the process or indicate that further investigation is required. viii. If a student denies an allegation and a matter of credibility arises, the student and her parents will be given an opportunity to meet with the investigative administrator in order to present her version of events, including mitigating circumstances; test or challenge the evidence against her; and make a submission about possible sanctions. ix. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the Administrator may determine that one or more sanctions are warranted. Depending on the severity of the incident/ behaviour, other administrators may collaborate in determining the nature of the sanction. x. Communication with the student, and parents as required, will clearly indicate the breach in the Havergal College Code of Conduct and the consequences for infractions. xi. Where a number of students are involved in a breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct, any written communication from Havergal College will ensure confidentiality of individual students by communicating only those circumstances relevant to the student who is receiving the written communication. ii. 8. Sanctions When exercising its discretion to determine the appropriate sanction to apply to an offence, Havergal College will take into account: i. the age of the student and her ability to fully understand the breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct; ii. the intention of the student; iii. the particular circumstances, including any previous documented breaches of the Havergal College Code of Conduct; v. the impact on the school climate, including the impact on students or other individuals in the Havergal College community. iv. the nature and severity of the behaviour; and i.
The range of sanctions that the school will apply to offences will include: i. meeting with appropriate person(s) (such as peers, faculty, administrators); ii contact with the parent(s) of the student involved; iii. where academic dishonesty is at issue, assign a mark of zero, assign a penalty, pro-rate the value of the assignment, have the student revise the assignment in whole or in part or have the student complete another assignment. iv. removal from a school activity or special program to complete work or a special assignment designated by the teacher; v. where acceptable use of technology is at issue, being restricted from access to technology (device and/or network); vii. removal from class for a period of time; viii. probation; ix. detention; x. establishing a behaviour and/or performance agreement that documents the school’s expectations of the student, teachers and parents (conditions may include withholding re-enrollment); xi. formal suspension from school (conditions to return to school will be discussed with parents and students); or xii. expulsion. The school reserves the right to expel a student when the continued attendance of that student would not be in the best interests of that student or the school. The school also reserves the right to expel a student when her behaviour is in breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct, seriously jeopardizes the school’s ability to guarantee the dignity and safety of its students and interferes with learning, or involves conduct that has or will have a negative impact on the school climate. In these circumstances, the school will make reasonable efforts to assist the student’s family in securing suitable alternative education arrangements. 9. Progressive Discipline Progressive discipline is an approach used by the school to address inappropriate incidents and/or behaviours. It makes use of a continuum of interventions, supports and sanctions that builds upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. This may include reminders, review of expectations, detentions, contact with parents/ guardians, loss of privileges, written reflection, conflict mediation and resolution, behavioral and/or academic agreements, referral for support services, suspension and expulsion. In general, the severity of punishment and the steps taken by the school will be consistent with the nature and degree of the misbehaviour in relation to the school’s progressive disciplinary approach. Each case will be dealt with individually. No two infractions of the Code of Conduct are exactly alike, nor are the needs of offenders necessarily similar. We recognize that each student is a unique individual and that every situation that requires disciplinary action has its own set of extenuating circumstances, which are duly considered in every case. vi. conference involving student, teacher, parents and administration;
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