Havergal College Course Calendar, 2017-18 Academic Year

Content Standards describe the knowledge and skills students are expected to develop and demonstrate and on which their achievement is assessed and evaluated (p 16) . Diagnostic Assessment is the gathering of evidence that reflects students’ prior learning. This type of assessment often occurs at the beginning of instruction. It is used to determine students’ strengths and needs and to plan instruction. It is not used in determining the report card grade. Evaluation is the process of judging the quality of student work on the basis of established criteria and assigning a value to represent that quality. Levels of Achievement (p 18) • Level 4 The student demonstrates the specified knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness. Achievement at Level 4 does not mean that the student has achieved expectations beyond those specified for the grade/course. • Level 3 The student demonstrates the specified knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness. • Level 2 The student demonstrates the specified knowledge and skills with some effectiveness. Students performing at this level need to work on identified learning gaps to ensure future success. • Level 1 The student demonstrates the specified knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness. Students must work at significantly improving learning in specific areas, as necessary, if they are to be successful in the next grade/course. Performance Standards are described in the achievement chart categories and refer to four broad categories of knowledge and skills that are common to both the elementary and secondary divisions and to all subject areas and disciplines. The categories represent four broad areas of knowledge and skills within which the expectations for any given subject can be organized. Teachers address these categories when planning program and developing assessments in order to provide balanced programs and to encourage students to develop higher cognitive and creative thinking skills. The categories are: Knowledge/Understanding, Thinking, Communication and Application (pp 16–17) .

ATTENDANCE PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES At Havergal we expect engaged participation in the full life of the school. Havergal students are expected to be committed to their academic responsibilities and to their co-curricular commitments. Regular attendance at school is critical for student learning. The school makes accommodations where possible and appropriate for elite athletes and exceptional family requests. In such cases, parents must advise the school well in advance of the anticipated absences, where possible, so that the appropriate arrangements for academic support can be put into place. House/Form Attendance Attendance is taken in Form or House on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, attendance is taken in first period classes. All faculty and students must be in either Form/House or their Period 1 class by 8:20 am. Teachers record absences and late arrivals as of 8:20 am. Subject Attendance Each period, teachers record absences and late arrivals electronically. Students and parents are encouraged to make appointments for times other than during the academic day. Students who are late for class must first sign in at the Day School Office (DSO). Student Absences Parents of Day Students are requested to telephone or email the Day School Office (DSO) before 8 am when their daughter is absent or late. The DSO will call home if no call or email is received. Boarding School Dons inform the DSO about Boarder absences. Note: The Day School Office hours are from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. DSO Telephone Number: 416.482.4723

DSO Fax Number: 416.483.5789 DSO Email: dso@havergal.on.ca

When students are absent during the school day or for several days, upon their return, they must present a note to the DSO from parents or from Boarding School Dons clearly stating the reason for the absence(s). Students who miss exams must bring a doctor’s note upon their return. If a

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