Havergal College Course Calendar, 2017-18 Academic Year

Initial actions taken by the school: This situation is initially investigated in a private, safe and impartial manner by the Assistant Head (Junior, Middle or Senior) or Head of Boarding who, through discussion with the students involved, gains the perspective of the situation. During these discussions, the Assistant Head ensures that each student has an opportunity to speak for herself. Depending on the age of the student, parents may be involved in this initial investigation. The Assistant Head may consult with other faculty including the Head of Junior School or VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness, Guidance Counsellor (Upper School) or Form Teacher/TA on potential extenuating or related circumstances. The Assistant Head may find it necessary to speak with a student on more than one occasion in order to form an accurate understanding of the situation. Possible outcomes from the initial investigation: The investigation may reveal that the behaviour does not reflect the definition of bullying described above. In this situation, raising the awareness in the other students of how their comments and/or behaviour is making the other student feel is an important outcome followed by actions each person can take to restore a healthy relationship. On the other hand, it may be clear that the behaviour does meet the definition of bullying. The next question addressed by the Assistant Head is “Did the student who violated the Havergal College Code of Conduct fully understand the impact of their comments/behaviour?” Discipline for a deliberate or intentional breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct begins further along the progressive discipline continuum. The Assistant Head, together with the Head of Junior School or VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness, may choose to immediately suspend a student for a short period of time as a consequence of the impact of her comment/ behaviour toward another member of our community. A time for support The role of the Assistant Head in resolving the situation is to ensure all students receive the support they require in order to feel safe and valued, heal relationships and find a means to positively engage in the school. Follow-up with everyone involved is essential. Documentation At each step in the process, the Assistant Head documents what has been learned and actions taken. This documentation is retained in the ‘Student Communication File’, a secure and access-restricted location. Further infraction A repeat of a related or similar incident is addressed in an escalated manner. A student previously warned may be

suspended from school for a short period of time whereas a student who has already been suspended may be suspended for a longer period of time or be expelled from the school.

10. Appealing a Decision of Sanction(s) A students and/or parent may wish to appeal the sanction(s) related to an alleged breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct. The appeal may be heard by either the VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness and/or Principal. The Principal is the final arbitrator in all disciplinary situations. Any intention to appeal must first be received in writing by either the VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness and/or the Principal within five school days of the sanctions decision. Where the sanction is suspension, the immediacy of suspension following an incident/behaviour requires the suspension to be served by the student while waiting for the appeal to be heard. The VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness and/or Principal will demonstrate consideration of the circumstances, mitigating factors, impact and any statement or submission by the student. The VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness and/or Principal will assess the evidence as provided by the parties and determine whether on a balance of probabilities, it is more probable than not that the student did commit the infraction. The VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness and/or Principal will decide to: i. uphold the original sanction(s) as decided by the VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness or Head of Junior School; ii. uphold the decision confirming a breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct, but reduce the severity of the sanction(s); or iii. quash the sanction(s) and order that all records of the alleged incident/behaviour be expunged. 11. Review The Havergal College Code of Conduct will be reviewed for possible revisions every three years. Havergal College will continue to solicit input from the Board of Directors, parents, staff and students in the review process.

12  HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2017–18

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