Havergal College Course Calendar, 2016-17 Academic Year


GUIDANCE The Guidance Department provides services and information to assist students and their parents in educational, career and personal decision-making. The Guidance Counsellors act as liaisons with teaching staff, Boarding staff, Wellness staff and, where appropriate, external agencies. The aim of the Guidance program is to help students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to know themselves, relate effectively to others, develop appropriate educational plans and explore career alternatives. This aim is achieved through individual and small group counselling and through a comprehensive guidance curriculum in every grade level. Guidance Counsellors present units in which issues of self-awareness, life skills, educational planning and career choices are addressed. The goal is to have students begin the process of personal exploration and develop skills and resources for lifelong learning and career decision-making. Students are encouraged to use the reference material available in the Guidance Office. These resources include university, college and private institution calendars, aids for study skills, community resources, brochures on a variety of personal topics, CDs and other relevant information on unique experiences and new programs. Guidance Counsellors visit classes regarding course selection in January. Individual and small group sessions are also held. The school’s philosophy emphasizes personal responsibility in decision-making. Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring that they meet graduation diploma requirements and have the necessary courses for university admission. Guidance Counsellors provide individual support for students with their university entrance applications. Students and parents are encouraged to contact the Guidance Department for information or assistance at any time. LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES At Havergal College, we recognize the individuality of each child and that each person explores the world in different ways and possesses different strengths and weaknesses. We work together to help students come to understand themselves as learners and learn how to properly self-advocate. We celebrate the individuality of each girl and encourage every girl to be her own person, to challenge herself, to learn from her challenges and to celebrate her successes. Learning Support Specialists are available to help all students (Junior, Middle and Senior Schools) understand their learning strengths and weaknesses and to assist teachers in working with students with different learning needs. They identify students needing accommodations, review extended assessments completed by private specialists, develop strategies to meet the needs of identified students, plan for any necessary accommodations, design professional development for teachers, coordinate meetings with families and teachers to discuss accommodations and recommendations and may help coordinate out-of-school support.

56  HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2016–2017

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