Havergal College Course Calendar, 2016-17 Academic Year
Grade 11 and 12 Courses The following types of courses are offered in Grades 11 and 12: • University preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs. • University/college preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for specific programs offered at universities and colleges. • Open courses, which comprise a set of expectations that are appropriate for all students, are designed to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in subjects that reflect their interests and prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society. They are not designed with the specific requirements of university, college or the workplace in mind. In Grades 11 and 12, students will focus increasingly on their individual interests and will identify and prepare for their post-secondary pathways (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12 : Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2011. Print. Section 7.2.2 p 66) . Definitions Credit: A credit is awarded by the Ministry of Education for successful completion of 110 hours of study in an approved course (a half credit is 55 hours). Prerequisite Course: This is a course that is absolutely essential for the successful understanding of the subsequent course. If there is no prerequisite listed, none is required for that course. Suggested Prerequisite: This is a course recommended by a department as background preparation. Ontario Student Transcript (OST): The Ontario Student Transcript is the official record of a student’s scholastic achievement. Each course is listed along with the date of completion, the credit value and the mark achieved. Compulsory subjects are identified and the date that the diploma is earned is ultimately recorded. A permanent copy of the transcript remains with a student’s last high school. Ontario Student Record (OSR): The Ontario Student Record is the official record for a student. The OSR is maintained in the Guidance Office and contains achievement results, credits earned, diploma requirements completed and other information important to the education of the student. Students and their parents may examine the contents of the OSR. These records are protected by the Education Act and Freedom of Information legislation.
52 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2016–2017
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