Havergal College Course Calendar, 2016-17 Academic Year
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Students who leave school before fulfilling the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or the Ontario Secondary School Certificate may be granted a Certificate of Accomplishment. This certificate may be a useful means of recognizing achievement for students who plan to take certain vocational programs or other kinds of further training. Students who return to school to complete additional credit and non-credit courses will have their transcript updated but will not be issued a new Certificate of Accomplishment. The Ontario Secondary School Diploma or Ontario Secondary School Certificate will be granted when a student has fulfilled the appropriate requirements (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12 : Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2011. Print. Section 6.4 p 62) .
ACCESS TO COURSE OUTLINES AND ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION CURRICULUM DOCUMENTS Detailed course outlines are available to parents for examination at the school. Please contact the appropriate Head of Department or the Director of Curriculum & Faculty Development. Ontario Curriculum documents may be accessed at the following Ministry of Education site: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/ ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) COURSES Havergal College offers timetabled AP courses in some subjects, subject to sufficient enrolment. These are Grade 12 University Preparation Courses, which also provide the extra content needed to prepare students to write AP exams. Students in Advanced Placement courses will earn the related Grade 12 University Preparation course credit. Students may also choose to write AP exams in other subjects not offered by Havergal. All students are invited by the AP coordinator to register for other AP exams and pay the associated fees. COURSE CHANGES Requests for course changes for September should be made before opening day. Where class size allows, Guidance Counsellors will attempt to accommodate requests. Guidance Counsellors are available for consultation in the week prior to school opening. No course changes will be considered after Thanksgiving. Course withdrawals must be completed prior to exams. The full disclosure rule applies for all Grade 11 and 12 courses (see page 43) .
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