FULL DISCLOSURE All Grade 11 and 12 courses dropped after the “drop by” date (five school days after the second official report card) will appear on the Ontario Student Transcript, with the mark as last reported, followed by a “W” for “withdrawn.” Failed or repeated Grade 11 and 12 courses will also be noted on the transcript. No Grade 9 or 10 courses that have been failed or dropped are recorded on the transcript. If a Grade 9 or 10 course is repeated, only the attempt on which the student earned the higher percentage grade will be recorded on the Ontario Student Transcript (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12 : Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2011. Print. Section 4.1.2 p 42) (”Ontario Student Transcript 2010.” Ministry of Education for Ontario, pg 9-10. Web. 06 Jan. 2014. .) . COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT – 40 HOURS REQUIRED TO GRADUATE In Ontario, every secondary school student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities as part of the requirements for an OSSD. The purpose of the community involvement requirement is to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play and the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities. Another purpose of the community involvement requirement is to develop strong ties between the students and their community, fostering valuable partnerships and long-term relationships. Students will select one or more community involvement activities in consultation with their parents. Selection of activities should take into account the age, maturity and ability of the student, the location and environment of the proposed activity and the need for any special training, equipment and preparation. The safety of the student is paramount. A parent is not required to sign a form or to be consulted if the student is 18 years of age or older. Community involvement activities may be completed at any time prior to graduation. Although this diploma requirement applies to students in Grades 9 to 12, students in Grade 8 will be able to start accumulating community involvement hours in the summer before they enter Grade 9 (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12 : Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2011. Print. Section 6.1.4 p 60) . Students who enter Havergal College in Grades 9 and 10 must complete 40 hours of community involvement. The Principal will determine the number of hours of community involvement required for students who have successfully completed two or more years in a secondary school program outside of Ontario. Generally, students who enter Havergal College from schools outside of Ontario in Grade 11 must complete 20 hours of community involvement and students who enter Havergal College from schools outside of Ontario in Grade 12 must complete 10 hours of community involvement (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12 : Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2011. Print. Section 6.1.4 p 60, 91, PPM124a) .
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