Havergal College Course Calendar, 2016-17 Academic Year

The Vice Principal and/or Principal will demonstrate consideration of the circumstances, mitigating factors, impact and any statement or submission by the student. The Vice Principal and/or Principal will assess the evidence as provided by the parties and determine whether, on a balance of probabilities, it is more probable than not that the student did commit the infraction. The Vice Principal and/or Principal will decide to: i. uphold the original sanction(s) as decided by the Head of School; ii. uphold the decision confirming a breach of the Code of Conduct, but reduce the severity of the sanction(s); or iii. quash the sanction(s) and order that all records of the alleged incident/behaviour be expunged. 11. Review The Code of Conduct will be reviewed for possible revisions every three years. Havergal College will continue to solicit input from the Board of Directors, parents, staff and students in the review process. Students and parents must review and accept the contents of this code of conduct.


Parent and student compliance and/or consent with this agreement are mandatory.

Philosophy Havergal supports the use of a variety of electronic information resources in the school’s academic program. One such resource is a robust computer network established for educational purposes including research, contact with distant experts, other students and many other exciting possibilities. Havergal has a dual approach for providing computers. For learners from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 and students in courses requiring specialized equipment and software, desktops, laptops and tablets are made available. A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach is in place (beginning in September 2015) for students in Grades 9 to 12. This approach requires students to have access to and use their own personally selected and purchased computing devices at school. In addition, digital cameras, scanners and video recorders are also available for educational use. The Standard of Behaviour outlined in the Havergal College Code of Conduct is the foundation for much of what defines acceptable use of technology; however, this agreement extends beyond behaviour to include attitudes and actions intended to create a safe and secure environment that includes the use of technology.

16  HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2016–2017

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