Family Handbook 2024-25


Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

Equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging are essential components of living the Havergal mission and achieving excellence in all we do.

● Equity is the recognition of the existence of systemic social inequalities and the introduction of actions to proactively reduce, if not remove, institutional structural and cultural barriers to equal opportunity and inclusion. ● Diversity is the broad ‘mix’ and layers of differences in any community, with particular focus on representation and composition of historically under-represented and/or equity-deserving groups. ● Inclusion is the behaviours and practices to foster meaningful engagement, empowerment and equality of opportunity in any community that is made possible through intentional and ongoing action.

● Belonging is the sense of acceptance, security and support experienced by community members of all identities that results from consistent efforts of equity and inclusion.

At Havergal we: ● Seek to identify and remove systemic barriers in order to increase access to opportunities. ● Actively expand diversity to learn and grow through the knowledge and perspectives it brings. ● Collectively take responsibility to create an intentional culture of inclusion. ● Sustain an environment and experience that allows students to thrive, feel valued and experience a sense of belonging, as their authentic selves.

All members of the school community are asked to uphold Havergal’s core values along with this commitment to equity, diversity,inclusion, and belonging.


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