Family Handbook 2024-25



The Havergal College Parent Association (HCPA) comprises over 50 committee members, from both the Junior School and the Upper School, all working together to maximize parent engagement, foster community spirit and support the school through social and fundraising initiatives. Throughout the year, HCPA members engage with other parent volunteers to run and support a number of fantastic events including Celebration Saturday, Ivy Market, Grade Breakfasts, Gator Gala, the JS A-mazing Race and Moms’ Night Out. In addition, they coordinate the school’s Pre-Loved Uniform program, the HCPA Marketplace and the Used Textbook/Book Exchange. Volunteering with the HCPA is a wonderful way to get to know other HC parents and model the values and benefits of participating in the life of the school. If you are interested in finding out more or would like to volunteer, please visit the HCPA tab of the Parent Portal to get started. If you have specific questions, please feel free to reach out to the HCPA Co-Chairs at

Welcome to the Havergal College community!


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