Family Handbook 2024-25
HC-X HC-X is Havergal’s Innovation Hub for the development and the delivery of future-ready programming for students and educators. This includes the Digital Wisdom course, TC-9, Digital Microcredentials and the Virtual Learning Lab, among other future-ready learning experiences. Health Centre Staffed by the Manager of the Health Centre (Nurse Practitioner) and Registered Nurses, the Health Centre supports the physical and emotional wellbeing of Havergal students. Health Centre Staff work to educate students with respect to health and wellness while treating medical concerns according to medical directives issued by the school’s physician consult. Students who feel they are unable to attend class due to illness must report to the Health Centre for assessment. Students will not be sent home without permission from parents. Homeroom A homeroom is a group of Junior School students in the same grade, taught by a designated teacher. House Banner The House banners, dating back to 1957, hang in Brenda Robson Hall with the name of the winning House and House Captain. It is awarded to the House Captain annually—at the end of the school year. In 1980, the Junior School began a record of annual House accomplishments with a House Banner in the Junior School. House banner points are awarded for academic, athletic, artistic, co-curricular and community participation and contributions and House competition including intramurals and House Shout. House Shout The whole school gathers on the Upper Pitch to share their House and school spirit. The Junior School Grade 6 leaders, along with the Junior School Prefects, teach the girls a special “Junior School Cheer,” which is practised in houses and performed for all students, faculty and staff. Upper School students then compete in their various Houses with specially-crafted and choreographed cheers. House Shout takes place in May. Junior School Office (JSO, JK to Grade 6) The JSO is the administrative centre for all administration needs in the Junior School, including student attendance, co-curriculars and general inquiries. It is also where students sign in if they are late or have to leave early for any reason. If parents require assistance, they are encouraged to phone or email the JSO. Learning Hub (Junior School) The Learning Hub is the Junior School library. Students come to the Learning Hub for scheduled library classes and are always welcome to come into the space to check in and out books.
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