Family Handbook 2024-25
● Students caught forging their parent’s permission using the parent’s Veracross credentials or signature on notes accounting for their school attendance and/or emailing the school pretending to be a parent are in violation of Havergal’s Code of Conduct and are subject to disciplinary measures accordingly. If we are unable to connect with a parent(s)/guardian(s) to determine the reason for a student’s absence, an administrator will be informed and will decide what further action to take. If none of the contacts we have on record can be reached and the school cannot be satisfied as to the child's safety, a decision to take further action—including calling the police—rests with the Principal or designate. ● All students who eat lunch on campus are expected to eat in several designated areas of the school. Students are not permitted to eat outside of these areas. ● Students in Grades 9 to 12 may leave the school for lunch. ● Students in Grades 7 to 8 are not permitted to leave the campus for lunch. Signing In and Out Students who arrive late, or leave before the end of the school day, must have permission from a parent or guardian and must always sign in and out at the DSO. Rules: ● All students are expected to be at Havergal for the duration of the school day. ● A student who needs to leave school early must provide parental permission through the Student Logistics Request tool in advance of departure. If a student is late for class they must get a late slip from the DSO. ● When a student signs out prior to the end of the school day, they are required to leave the premises. Students may not be in the school building when they are signed out because it compromises the accuracy of our attendance records and poses a serious risk in the event of an emergency. Lunch
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