Family Handbook 2024-25



Typically, educational outings are arranged for each class throughout the school year. Parents must sign an Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk (AAR) form allowing their children to go on class outings. Students who have not returned the form will not be allowed to go on the class excursion.

Birthdays and Invitations

We realize that it is not generally possible to send seasonal greetings and invitations to every child in a class. Children are, however, very sensitive; and feelings can be easily hurt in these early years. Invitations and cards should not be brought to school for delivery unless the whole class is included. Treats (e.g. cupcakes, cookies, donuts) and/or loot bags may not be brought in to celebrate birthdays. Instead, students are invited to wear grub clothes on their birthday so that it can be acknowledged and celebrated. Students with a summer birthday are invited to wear their grub clothes on an alternate day, to be arranged with the Homeroom Teacher.

Cell Phones

If your child brings a cell phone to school, they are not permitted to use it during the day. Students with phones are expected to keep them in their backpack or their locker. If a student is found using their phone during the day, it will be brought to the JS Office where it can be picked up at the end of the day. Students are permitted to use their cell phones after school.

Lost and Found

Learning to take care of and organize one’s belongings supports the development of critical executive functioning skills. Students will be supported by teachers to create a plan to develop these skills. We strongly recommend that all uniform items be clearly labelled so they can be easily identified. When an item has gone missing, students are asked to go to the Lost and Found. Items of significant value are stored in the office. Unnamed and unclaimed items will be donated at the end of each term.


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