Family Handbook 2024-25


creative confidence; diverse worldviews such as Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing; and compelling, inspiring, action-based research, such as Hope Jahren's The Story of More .

The course is structured as an immersive experience, where students are provided the time to integrate their learning into their project and course work and to look ahead and see where they may want to take their learning. This course uses competency and mastery based assessment and feedback through a participatory reporting process that is distinct from their formal report card. In this way, TC-9 focusses on student agency and their identity as a learner. This course was premised on students engaging in research, action and learning—in that order. In this way, students need to adopt innovator and entrepreneurial mindsets, where the learning is the journey.

Virtual Learning Lab VR Club (Grades 9 to 12)

This student-led club is supported by HC-X as part of the Virtual Learning Lab (VLL). A mobile “laboratory,” the VLL is an opportunity for Havergal students and faculty to learn about emerging technologies: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, 360° media and 3D design. Through workshops in partnership with the Global Learning & Leading Diploma and hosted experiences such as National Film Board’s Biidaaban: First Light, students experience and build using immersive technologies right here on campus. Future-Ready Learning Experiences HC-X curates opportunities for small groups of students to participate in future-ready learning experiences within the community. Many of these are annual events, such as the CIS Ontario Middle School Future Prize and World Affairs Conference. Others are just-in-time opportunities such as a tour of the Immersive Studio at TMU Libraries, guest panels and local design sprints or hackathons. New for 2024-25, HC-X will steward two global experiences: a Space Camp trip to the NASA Space & Rocket Centre in Huntsville, Alabama, and T.I.D.E.S – a Technology, Innovation, Design and Ethics trip to the San Francisco Bay Area.


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