Family Handbook 2023-24


Middle School and Senior School Athletics Fees An athletic fee will be charged to help cover the escalating costs of entry fees, transportation, awards, equipment, uniforms, referees, outside coaches, facility rentals and other costs that are incurred by the department. Athletic fees range from $225 to $350 per season. Student accounts will be charged for athletics at the end of each sport season. If a student is provided with a uniform they do not return, they will be charged for the replacement cost of that uniform. Students who qualify for OFSAA championships and/or compete in CAIS tournaments will be charged accordingly. Additional fees apply for some sports and students will be charged for any required competition uniform pieces (e.g., swimsuit, hockey socks, golf hats, rowing unisuit, etc.). A Havergal team track jacket and/or sweatshirt is part of the athletics uniform. This will be provided to students when they make their first school team and the cost will be billed to student accounts. The approximate cost of the track jacket is $130 and the sweatshirt is $75. This sweatshirt or track jacket is to be worn when travelling to and from games and meets. Both the track jacket and ¼ zip may be worn during the school day, except when wearing Number One Dress. The goal of the intra-school athletics program is to provide a variety of opportunities for all students to stay active and develop a lifelong commitment to healthy, active living while having fun. Students are given the opportunity to participate in House intramurals and other athletic events school-wide throughout the year. Student-athletes are expected to: 1. be committed and contributing members to the fun, active environment that the Havergal College Athletics program provides; 2. demonstrate positive attitudes, a willingness to learn new skills and good sportsmanship during all practices and games; 3. celebrate the team’s accomplishments throughout the season; 4. understand and abide by the guidelines for team selection; 5. attend and be punctual for all scheduled practices and games; 6. be proactive in communicating scheduling conflicts with the coach; 7. wear the Havergal Physical Education uniform at all practices; 8. wear the Havergal issued sport-specific uniform during competition; 9. wear an athletic 1/4 zip sweatshirt or team track jacket and athletic footwear when travelling to games; 10. play fair and follow the rules of the game; Intra School Athletics


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