Family Handbook 2023-24
Health Policies and Procedures
This section outlines key Health and Wellness Policies. You can find a comprehensive list of our Policies and Procedures in the Parent Portal.
Anaphylaxis Policy
Havergal College has an Anaphylaxis Policy, in compliance with provincial legislation mandated by the Ontario government, Bill 3: An Act to Protect Anaphylactic Pupils (“Sabrina’s Law").
Anaphylaxis is a severe systemic allergy. Exposure to even a tiny amount of allergen can trigger a reaction that could result in circulatory collapse, shock and even death. Anaphylaxis must always be considered a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. If your child develops an allergy at any time during the calendar year, it is essential that you either contact the Health Centre and update your child’s health information in the Magnus Health Portal. Parents/guardians of children who have anaphylactic allergies must complete an Anaphylaxis Plan of Care annually in the Magnus Health Portal. If your child requires an EpiPen, they must carry their EpiPen in a pouch/fanny pack/backpack at all times. On excursions, families must be prepared to provide an additional or back-up EpiPen. There are alarmed EpiPen stations containing Adult and Junior Pens mounted throughout the school for use in the case of an emergency. You can find the full Anaphylaxis Policy in the Parent Portal. Allergen Aware Havergal College exercises reasonable care to ensure that all persons are safe; however, the school cannot assume responsibility for providing a completely allergen-free environment. Havergal is an “allergen aware” school. Ensuring the safety of all anaphylactic persons in a school setting and at school-sanctioned co-curricular events depends on the co-operation of the entire school community, including parents, students, faculty, staff, business and operations personnel and volunteers in order to minimize the risk of exposure to allergen triggers.
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