Family Handbook 2023-24
When to Involve a School Social Worker One of our school social workers may become involved when any of the following issues are impeding a student’s progress:
● anger management ● anxiety ● bullying ● depression ● eating disorders ● family conflict ● grief/loss
● parenting Support ● peer relationships ● self-esteem ● self-harm ● sexuality and sexual health ● stress management
● substance abuse ● suicidal behaviour ● trauma
This is not an exhaustive list; any topic that impacts one’s social emotional learning can be seen by the social worker.
How to Access the Social Work Team If a Guidance Counsellor believes that a student could benefit from the support of one or our social workers, they will contact the social worker for a confidential consultation. This allows the social worker to determine if they are the best professional to support the student. Students wishing to connect with social work can also do so through self-referral or by reaching out to their guidance counsellor first. The guidance counsellor can support the student and discuss what their needs or concerns are in order to help them determine if it is appropriate to involve school social work. Parents/guardians may also recognize that if their child is in need of additional support to make adequate progress in school. In this case, parents/guardians may contact their child’s guidance counsellor to discuss the possibility of one of our social workers becoming involved.
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