Family Handbook 2023-24
Accommodations are determined based on the recommendations of an psycho-educational assessment and in consultation with the student, parents and teachers. To ensure accommodations meet the specific needs of the student, a psycho-educational assessment completed within the last four to five years should be on file. Generally, student assessments are completed in Grades 3, 8 and 12. Students going to university will be counselled to seek a current psycho-educational assessment. An IEP based on the recommendations of an occupational therapist will be retired in June of the second academic year after the recommendations have been put in place. Students who continue to require accommodations will need to provide an updated occupational therapy report. An IEP based on the recommendations of a mental health professional or doctor’s note will be retired in June of that academic year. Students who continue to require accommodations will need to provide an updated recommendation letter. Havergal College upholds the principles of respect for human rights as enshrined in the Ontario Human Rights Code , R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19, (the “Code”). Havergal commits to provide reasonable academic accommodations for needs related to the grounds of the Ontario Human Rights Code , unless to do so would cause undue hardship.
Social Work (Upper School)
School social work is a part of broader student support at Havergal College. Havergal employs two fully qualified and registered social workers in the Upper School (Grades 7 to 12).
The social workers place the student at the centre of a wellbeing plan. In this regard, the school social workers may, at times, consult with relevant members of the student support team, as needed, to support the overall wellbeing of the student. The social workers provide: ● Support for the Student Wellbeing Program in small groups and grade settings. ● Short-term individual strengths-based counselling to students in Grades 7 to 12. ● Referral services to community agencies and other external professional support. ● Parent and staff educational presentations.
As members of the student support team, the social workers contribute thematically to the trends and issues being monitored and managed.
For more information about the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW), visit their website at or call 1-877-828-9380.
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