Family Handbook 2023-24
Flex Block
A Flex Block is an opportunity for students to work independently on course material with their teacher as a resource in the classroom. Students are expected to remain in class during Flex Blocks.
Independent Study
An Independent Study is a designated block of time in a student’s timetable in which a class is not scheduled. Grade 11 and 12 students with Independent Study will not be supervised as they are considered to be engaged in independent work. Students who have independent study must follow these protocols: ● Students in Grade 11 and 12 are permitted to leave the school during their independent study blocks, but we ask that they sign out with the DSO. ● Students are dismissed after their last class and do not need to remain on campus for their last period if it is a scheduled independent study block or e-Learning block.
Managing Personal Devices
As a community, we value our human connections and understand that positive relationships anchor resilient and inclusive environments. We encourage students to manage their use of mobile devices in a respectful manner, contributing to formal and informal opportunities to be intentionally present in their interactions with each other, the faculty and staff. We create an environment of high expectations for behaviour and educate our students to have the understanding and skills to rise to this. At times, the College will explicitly direct students to participate in activities that are device-free. At all times, students are to be mindful of their responsibility to manage their personal devices in accordance with the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy: Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement - Upper School.
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