Family Handbook 2023-24
School Day Schedule
The Upper School Day Schedules are linked here.
● Students are expected to enter the school at their designated grade-specific doors. No students should enter via the main entrance. ● If a student is late for school (arrives after 8:30 am Monday to Thursday or after 9:30 am on Friday) they must report to the DSO to sign in and take a late slip to class.
Block Rotation
The school operates on a non-semestered, full-year schedule with an eight block rotation.
Special Schedules
When special events call for special schedules they will be posted to the schedule board outside of the Day School Office (DSO) and on Veracross.
This is a scheduled block of time that occurs daily. It is used in different ways to promote community building and wellbeing. This time involves gathering as the whole Upper School community, in whole grade or small grade groups including Form, Advisory, Prayers, assemblies and grade meetings.
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