Family Handbook 2023-24
School Access
Havergal has a dedicated and professionally trained Security team that helps keep the school community and its premises safe and secure 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year. The Rotunda serves as Security’s home base, which is located in the Upper School. Security team members develop and implement safety protocols in conjunction with the police and fire departments. The school’s doors are locked at all times, unless there is a special event occurring or security personnel have been assigned to supervise and manage school access at a designated unlocked door. Security personnel can view all direct access doors to the Junior and Upper Schools via CCTV and can allow guests entry into the buildings by electronically unlocking doors when warranted. General visitors must enter through the main entrance doors. All visitors will be issued a Visitor Pass, which they must wear and display while on campus and return to the front desk. Students must have authorization from a senior level administrator in order to bring a guest inside the school. All visitors must have authorization and sign in at each visit. This applies to all students and is applicable at all times. Junior School Access The Junior School designated main entrance is unlocked from 7:30 to 8:30 am and from 3:15 to 4 pm on school days to facilitate morning drop off and afternoon pick up. During these time periods, Security personnel are on duty at the front doors. Junior School students enter the school through the designated main entrance. ● On weekends and after hours, there is no access. ● There is a full-time security guard on duty in the Junior School from 7:30 am to 6 pm when school is in session. Upper School Access The main entrance to the Upper School is unlocked from 7 to 8:30 am on school days. During this time, Security personnel are on duty in the Upper School Rotunda adjacent to the front doors. General visitors must enter through the main entrance doors. Visitors must sign in at the main Security Desk and wait in the Rotunda until they are met by their Havergal contact, unless otherwise directed by Security.
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