Family Handbook 2018-19
Why Is Donating Important? Each year, we invite members of the Havergal community, including parents, Old Girls, Grade 12 students, staff and friends to donate to our Annual Fund. Everyone who is a member of the Havergal community is invited to support to the best of their ability. Annual giving is an important source of financial support for curriculum enrichment, financial assistance, special projects and many other initiatives that make our academic, athletics, arts and music programs unique. Each generation of Havergal students has benefited from the generosity of past supporters. By making an annual gift, donors are advancing our culture of giving and ensuring that our girls have an enriching experience while at Havergal. Participation is in many ways as important as the amount given ; a sense of community is strengthened when everyone gives and feels invested in the school’s mission. The Annual Giving program is administered by staff in the department of Advancement & Community Relations. Annual giving packages are mailed each fall. A reminder mailing is delivered in the spring to those who have not already made a donation. We aim to have 100% participation from parents. Did You Know? ● Tuition covers approximately 90% of the actual cost of a Havergal education. ● All gifts of $25 or more receive a charitable tax receipt. ● Havergal’s fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30. ● All Havergal donors are recognized in our Annual Report. What Are the Priority Areas? Where supporters direct their gifts is up to them. Some donors direct their donations toward specific areas, while others choose the area of greatest need. This year, Havergal’s area of greatest need is the Limitless Campaign.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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