Family Handbook 2018-19

Strategies to Support Students When They Make Mistakes   Making mistakes is a normal and expected part of growth and development, particularly in the  early years. Mistakes provide students with the opportunity to reflect and learn about themselves,  others and the world around them.   As capable problem‑solvers, it is important that our students have specific strategies to draw on  when they or a peer have made a mistake. If you daughter has tried to address an issue  independently, but is having difficulty resolving it, please encourage her to reach out to a trusted  adult for support.  

When a mistake has been made, the following three steps are often used at the Junior School to  help your daughter move forward. These can also be used at home: 

1. Take Ownership 

Encourage your daughter to recognize her role in the situation. This is not about taking on all of  the responsibility. Rather, it is about seeing how she may have contributed, positively or negatively,  to whatever has happened.  

2. Say Sorry  Mistakes happen. Saying sorry can be the first part of making things better. Students can  sometimes be very hard on themselves when something goes wrong and engage in negative  self‑talk (e.g., I am the worst!), which is ultimately not helpful. It is important that students forgive  themselves when they make a mistake and then move on by making better choices going forward.  In addition, if a student has wronged someone else, or made a bad choice, it is important to try to  make amends.  3. Make a Plan  Encourage your daughter to think about what they would have done differently. What might they  do moving forward? Who could they seek out for support? Let them know that they are not alone  in this and that there are adults who are available to offer support.  

Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19


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