Family Handbook 2018-19
When a Case of Academic Dishonesty Arises Benefit of doubt will always be accorded to a student; however, when it has been determined beyond a reasonable doubt that cheating or plagiarizing has occurred, the following process will take place. When deemed warranted, the consequences of academic dishonesty will vary depending on the nature of the incident, the age of the student and other mitigating factors. In general, repeat offences and offences committed by senior students are treated more severely. Investigation and Documentation The following illustrates typical consequences that follow an incident of academic dishonesty: 1. the teacher will inform and consult with his/her department head and/or an administrator to determine the appropriate course of action; 2. the teacher will inform the student of his/her concerns and provide the student with the opportunity to respond to these concerns; 3. the teacher will inform the parent of the incident and share the information gathered from the meeting with the student; 4. when deemed warranted, the teacher can either (or in combination): a. have the student revise the assignment in whole or in part; b. have the student complete another assignment or; c. assign a mark of zero;. 5. The teacher will file a record of the incident; the contents of which remain confidential and separate from a student’s official MInistry of Education Ontario Student Record (OSR).
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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