Family Handbook 2018-19
Students assume the following responsibilities: 1. comply with the Havergal College Code of Conduct and all other school policies; 2. attend all classes, study periods, grade/Form and advisor meetings and Prayers/assemblies; 3. wear the school uniform correctly at all times; 4. meet guests at the school entrance and follow all sign‑in procedures; 5. use personal entertainment devices in a manner that is non‑disruptive to the culture and learning environment of the school; 6. use a cell phone or smartphone in a way that is non‑disruptive to the culture of the school and consistent with the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement; 7. not smoke while on school property, at a school‑sanctioned function or while wearing the school uniform; 8. not have liquor in any form or illegal drugs on the school grounds or during school‑sanctioned excursions at any time. Students who give an indication that they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action (see Havergal College Code of Conduct); 9. not take digital photographs, videos or audio recordings of people without their consent; and/or 10. not publish digital images, video or audio recordings of people on any social network or website without their consent. expectations within the time frame specified by the teacher, and in a form approved by the teacher as meeting clearly established deadlines is an accepted, reasonable and important practice; 2. late and missed assignments will be noted on the report card as part of the evaluation of a student’s development of learning skills and work habits and may have other consequences; 3. they will receive a zero for missing any deadline that counts towards their overall mark, unless another arrangement has been mutually established between the student and the teacher in advance of the deadline; 4. parents/guardians will be contacted when assessments are not completed on time; and 5. they can find a more comprehensive description of how late and missing assessments are managed in the 2018‑19 Upper School Course Calendar (pages 30‑35), which is published on the Library and Learning Resources section of the Student and Parent Portal. Missing or Late Assessments Students must understand that: 1. they are responsible for providing evidence of their understanding of the overall
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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