Family Handbook 2018-19
Havergal Traditions Havergal has many traditions that have stood the test of time including: Prayers, Founders’ Day, Celebration Weekend, Carol Service, the House System, Candlelight Ceremony, Grandchildrens’ Party and many more. The school fosters strong ties within its community of students, Old Girls (graduates), parents, faculty and staff. Old Girls cherish the lifelong friendships and support network they developed at the school and serve as inspirational role models for Havergal students. Since 1896, more than 9,000 alumnae have graduated from the school. House System The House system forms the basis for cross‑grade community building within the school. It fosters peer‑to‑peer mentoring and leadership development, as the program is primarily student‑led. There are 10 Houses, each of which are named in honour of women who have contributed to the well‑being of Havergal in different but meaningful ways. Some have been Principals of the school, some have been much‑loved staff members and others have influenced the growth of the school. Havergal’s House system is an integral part of the school’s organization, with every student (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12), Old Girl, staff and faculty member belonging to one of the 10 Houses. Siblings and daughters of alumnae join the Houses of their relatives. Each girl’s efforts and achievements in House spirit competitions, athletics, the arts and co‑curricular activities credit her House toward winning the House Banner for the year. Prayers is rooted in Havergal’s rich Anglican tradition. Faculty, staff and students gather for Prayers three times per week in the Junior and Upper School respectively. Prayers creates a shared space for the Chaplain, students, faculty, staff, Old Girls and invited guests not only to articulate the school’s spiritual values, but also to make meaningful connections between the kinds of thinking and learning we do in relation to our community and, more broadly, the world. Prayers prompts questions, deepens insights and celebrates our community in all its diversity. Students are invited to reflect on the resonance of the school’s vision, mission and values and how they apply to their own lives. Major religious festivals of other faiths are also celebrated at Prayers. Attendance at Prayers is compulsory because it is considered instructional time and, as such, is an academic requirement. Parents are always welcome to attend Prayers. Prayers
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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