Family Handbook 2018-19
Student Responsibilities A student who has injured her head during an athletic or non‑athletic event must be seen by a doctor. The school has developed a comprehensive protocol. It is the student’s responsibility to follow through on the protocol. Coach Responsibilities 1. All coaches will receive in‑service training on how to recognize a concussion. 2. Cards listing concussion‑specific assessment guidelines for coaches are in first‑aid kits carried by coaches and on excursions. 3. If concussion is suspected during a Havergal sporting event, the athlete will be removed from the game immediately and will not be allowed to return for the game’s duration. An athlete who demonstrates any symptom(s) of a concussion will be required to be assessed by a medical doctor to rule out a more serious head injury. The school will work with parents/guardians to confirm this assessment has taken place. 4. Return to Play (RTP) will only occur when symptoms have resolved and a written clearance from a doctor has been provided to the school. 5. Return to play guidelines from ThinkFirst Canada and Stages of Recovery support material are available on the following websites:
Parachute Canada:
Holland Bloorview Concussion Centre:
School Responsibilities The school will maintain current knowledge about the prevention and treatment of concussions and monitor the student through the recovery stages. The school will oversee the Concussion Protocol.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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