Family Handbook 2018-19
About Havergal
A dynamic global leader inspiring the pursuit of wisdom and self‑knowledge
Preparing young women to make a difference Integrity. Inquiry. Compassion. Courage.
The Marguerite Daisy
Allie Gator, the Havergator
Vitai Lampada Tradens (Passing on the Torch of Life)
History “In the spring of 1894, a school for girls at 350 Jarvis Street was about to close its doors, and a group of men led by The Honourable H. Blake formed an organization for taking over the building and making it the home of what became Havergal College. The group of men who founded Havergal College had great faith in the future of Canada and wanted to provide a sound academic education for their daughters. Being members and strong followers of the Anglican Church of Canada, they established the continuing policy of having its beliefs and teachings in their school. Miss Ellen Mary Knox was the First Principal of the school. She was a graduate of Oxford University, a teacher at Cheltenham Ladies College in England and a devout member of the Church. The school cared about the education of women long before most women began to take themselves seriously.” Havergal College was named for Frances Ridley Havergal, an outstanding woman of the early Victorian era. A composer, author and humanitarian, her hymns were used by the Church of England and by non‑conformist religions. These hymns have survived repeated hymnbook revisions and continue to appear in Anglican, United Church and Presbyterian hymnals. Ellen Knox, who led the school with vision through its first 30 years (1894 to 1924), often posed the question to her students: “What are you going to do?” This principle still lives in Havergal’s mission statement. For more than a century, Old Girls have answered that challenge to make a difference by leading and contributing to their professions, to their communities and to the world. – Catherine Steele 1928, M.A., D.Litt. D.S. Litt.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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