Family Handbook 2018-19
Havergal recognizes the educational value that experiential learning opportunities can provide students. We believe that when off‑site experiences are well‑planned and well‑managed the personal, social, emotional, and academic development of students is enhanced. Experiential learning takes different forms at different grades, but broadly speaking when experiential learning opportunities take students off Havergal’s 22‑acre campus they are called excursions. Havergal excursions are school‑approved, curricular, or co‑curricular experiences that take students out of the classroom and off‑site so they can participate in a school‑planned and school‑sanctioned experiential learning opportunity. A class outing to the AGO; Day 9 activities, an overnight grade‑trip; or a sporting event that has Havergal athletes competing at a different school are just some of the excursions our students can experience during the school year. The Forum for Change also plans out‑of‑province trips and out‑of‑country exchanges for Upper School students, which are also considered excursions. No matter what experiential learning opportunity has been carefully planned by a Lead Supervisor, parents must always give their consent by signing an excursion‑specific 'Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk' (AAR) form before the excursion takes place. Parents and guardians should direct any question they have about planned excursions to the designated Lead Supervisor planning the outing.
Day 9
Day 9s were launched in 2017‑18 as a strategic initiative designed to expand our campus to encompass to the world. Day 9s are mandatory for Junior and Upper School students. They are a key part of our learning landscape that aims to deepen and extend learning opportunities beyond the traditional classroom setting. Day 9s allow students to learn and explore with their peers and teachers in unique ways. There are four Day 9s in the school year. Some Day 9 activities occur off‑site and are therefore considered excursions. Other Day 9 activities that occur onsite may require parents or guardians to give their consent by signing an AAR.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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