Family Handbook 2018-19
Grade Representatives (Reps) Grade Reps are knowledgeable ambassadors to the school. The role of the Grade Rep is critical in providing a link for parents to the school community. Grade Reps are knowledgeable of school routines, protocols and events and form a valuable resource for parents with general questions. In the Upper School, Grade Reps are supported by two Grade Rep Convenors—one for the Middle School and one for the Senior School—who act as liaisons between parents and the school to ensure open, accurate communication. In the Junior School, two Grade Rep Convenors serve the same role and engage in additional duties relating specifically to the Junior School. Grade Reps should: 1. attend Grade Rep meetings; 2. create grade‑specific email distribution lists as directed by convenors; 3. send communications to distribution lists as directed by convenors; 4. organize an off‑site parent social for your grade (date assigned in the fall); 5. organize an off‑site parent coffee morning (January or February); 6. organize one further social activity for parents in your grade (e.g., wine and cheese, movie night, bowling); 7. participate in planning of other significant parent events; 8. attend school functions for parents whenever possible, especially the fall coffee mornings and year‑end social; 9. redirect parents who have academic issues or concerns to appropriate Havergal staff (refer to Whom to Call About ). Be cautious about addressing issues specific to teaching and learning and direct parents with questions or concerns on these topics to the specific teacher, Department Head or VP of Teaching & Learning (if it is curriculum‑focused) or Head of Junior School (JK to Grade 6) or Guidance Counsellor (Grades 7 to 12) if it is student‑wellness focused; 10. be well informed by reading the Havergal communications ( Inside Havergal , weekly emails, Torch ), checking the website and referring to the Family Handbook and school calendar; and 11. advise the Grade Rep Convenors of suggestions or feedback from the parent community.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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