Family Handbook 2018-19
Grade Leads (a New Initiative) There are two designated Grade Leads per grade in the Senior School. Each Grade Lead pair is led by a faculty member and a Guidance Counsellor. Grade Leads work with the Dean, Senior School Students, TAs and elected student leaders (Student Grade Reps) to develop grade‑wide and grade‑specific programming and events throughout the school year.
House Advisors House Advisors are House leaders whose job it is to oversee and guide their Teacher Advisor (TA) colleagues when implementing the TA program. They guide and support House Captains to develop and deliver a House program.
Teacher Advisors (Grades 9 to 12) The prevailing goal of the TA Program is to build relationships and a sense of community between the Teacher Advisors and students, as well as amongst the students in the group. These faculty and staff members meet four mornings each week with your daughter(s) and deliver a Teacher Advisor program two times a month on Tuesday mornings. As well, the TA oversees attendance, announcements and uniform checks. Department Heads Department Heads are the teaching and learning specialists in their respective disciplines and work closely with their departmental colleagues. In this role, they remain knowledgeable and current on pedagogical issues, strategies and approaches to support an aligned vision for teaching and learning at Havergal. Guidance Counsellors The Guidance department provides support and information to assist Upper School students and their parents in making educational, career and personal development decisions. In working one‑on‑one and in groups with Middle and Senior School students, Guidance Counsellors help our girls understand and navigate the highs and lows of adolescence, friendships and the accompanying sting of disappointment that is often felt in the face of setback and disappointment. In meeting the developmental social, emotional, academic and mental health wellness needs of
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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