Family Handbook 2018-19
the services, those services will be provided at the school, at no charge to the parents, for a limited number of sessions.
School/LHIN Responsibilities: ● In‑school services are subject to LHIN approval. This process can take as long as six to eight weeks. ● Appointments are booked by the Learning Support Specialists and are offered during the school day. Parent/Student Responsibilities: ● An appointment may be cancelled in advance by contacting the service provider and appropriate Learning Support Specialist for a particular grade. ● If a student misses an appointment without first contacting the therapist and Learning Support Specialist, it will count as an authorized session. ● Students may not miss an in‑class assessment scheduled by a teacher under any circumstance. Furthermore: ● Once a student is discharged from a LHIN service, they are ineligible for the same LHIN services for one calendar year. ● Under extenuating circumstances, upon acceptance of a formal request directed to the VP, Teaching & Learning, a limited number of private sessions with the same therapist may be provided at the school. Parents are responsible to cover the cost of these additional appointments and pay the service provider directly. ● These extenuating circumstances must be agreed upon by the Havergal College Senior Administration prior to additional sessions being booked.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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