Family Handbook 2018-19
5. I will immediately report any security problem I have identified to a Havergal staff member and I will not demonstrate the problem to others.
Illegal Activities 1. I will not knowingly introduce a computer virus or other malware into the Havergal College network. 2. I will not tamper with, or try to hack into, any Havergal computer resource to gain inappropriate access. 3. I will not violate any patent, trademark, trade name, copyright or privacy laws. 4. I will not plagiarize or copy any work done by others. 5. I will not purposely damage any part of the school’s technology equipment or computer network. 6. I will not use the Havergal College network for commercial or ongoing personal business purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, using the computer resources for commercial purposes and product advertising. Sanctions and Disciplinary Actions A school administrator, in consultation with the Director of Information Technology, will determine sanctions for violations of the Havergal College Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement. When exercising its discretion to determine the appropriate sanction to apply to an offence related to acceptable use of technology, Havergal College will take into account: 1. the age of the student and her ability to fully understand the breach of the Agreement; 2. the intention of the student; 3. the particular circumstances; 4. the nature and severity of the behaviour; and 5. the impact on the school climate, including the impact on students or other individuals in the Havergal College community. The range of sanctions that the school will apply to offences related to acceptable use of technology generally includes, but is not limited to: 1. a verbal warning; 2. notification and involvement of parents; 3. being restricted from access to a device and/or the network; 4. the removal of other privileges; and
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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