Family Handbook 2018-19
● Respect the privacy and confidentiality of information pertaining to students, parents, faculty, staff and other members of the Havergal community. Postings in personal blogs or websites should not reveal confidential information about any member of the Havergal community. This includes personal information, photographs or videos of students, faculty, staff, financial information, Havergal plans, marketing materials or Havergal development information. ● Be transparent and authentic. Use your professional identity at all times. Faculty/staff who use social media for school purposes must do so using their own name or the name of the course, not a pseudonym or nickname. ● Consider whether any posting may reflect poorly on you, Havergal or the teaching profession. Social media sites should not be used to denigrate, attack, threaten or intimidate colleagues. Similarly, avoid online criticism about students, colleagues, Havergal or others within the school community. ● Ensure that your comments do not incite others to make discriminatory, harassing or other professionally unacceptable comments. ● Ensure that you are aware and comply with Havergal’s Agreement – Acceptable Use of Technology and other policies regarding the use of social media/online communications and the appropriate use of electronic equipment.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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