Family Handbook 2018-19
Faculty and staff may use social media as instructional tools and for professional development. Within this framework, social media may serve a range of purposes, from helping students and parents/guardians access assignments and resources related to classroom studies to connecting with classrooms in other communities and countries.
Rationale The use of social media is regulated for all employees of Havergal College because social media is not private and its improper use can leave the school and employees open to charges of unethical and/or illegal conduct. Consequently, the use of social media by employees is permitted to facilitate learning. Faculty and staff may use social media in ways that are consistent with the mission, vision and values of Havergal, and that comply with the Ontario College of Teachers’ professional advisory on the use of electronic communications and social media. Faculty and staff are governed by the school’s Agreement – Acceptable Use of Technology in all online spaces and are expected to conduct themselves professionally, respectfully and responsibly. Faculty/staff are to know and respect proper professional boundaries with students, particularly when students initiate electronic interaction. Faculty must maintain a sense of professionalism at all times—in their personal and professional lives. Faculty and staff are individuals with private lives; however, off‑duty conduct matters and the sound judgment and due care extends to the use of social media. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that teachers’ off‑duty conduct, even when not related to students, is relevant to their suitability to teach. Activities that are improper, unethical, illegal or that cause undue discomfort for students, employees, parents or other members of the Havergal community should be avoided in both physical space and online.
Scope This policy applies to all employees of Havergal. It applies to all forms of social media and electronic communication, including software applications, email and websites.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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