Family Handbook 2018-19
individual students by communicating only those circumstances relevant to the student who is receiving the written communication.
8. Sanctions
When exercising its discretion to determine the appropriate sanction to apply to an offence, Havergal College will take into account:
1. the age of the student and her ability to fully understand the breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct; 2. the intention of the student; 3. the particular circumstances, including any previous documented breaches of the Havergal College Code of Conduct; 4. the nature and severity of the behaviour; and 5. the impact on the school climate, including the impact on students or other individuals in the Havergal College community.
The range of sanctions that the school will apply to offences will include: 1. meeting with appropriate person(s) (such as peers, faculty, administrators); 2. contact with the parent(s) of the student involved;
3. where academic dishonesty is at issue, assign a mark of zero, assign a penalty, pro‑rate the value of the assignment, have the student revise the assignment in whole or in part or, have the student complete another assignment. 4. removal from a school activity or special program to complete work or a special assignment designated by the teacher; 5. where acceptable use of technology is at issue, being restricted from access to technology (device and/or network); 6. conference involving student, teacher, parents and administration; 7. removal from class for a period of time; 10. establishing a behaviour and/or performance agreement that documents the school’s expectations of the student, teachers and parents (conditions may include withholding re‑enrollment); 11. formal suspension from school (conditions to return to school will be discussed with parents and students); or 12. expulsion. 8. probation; 9. detention;
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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