Family Handbook 2018-19
Students Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student: 1. comes to school prepared, appropriately dressed, on time and ready to learn; 2. shows respect for herself, her peers and all members of the school community; 3. refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety and well‑being of others; 4. complies with all published school rules, codes of conduct, agreements, policies and frameworks; and 5. takes responsibility for her own actions. Parents and Guardians Parents and guardians play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents and guardians fulfill their role when they: 1. comply with Havergal College’s Code of Conduct; 2. show an active interest in their daughter’s school work and progress; 3. communicate regularly and respectfully with the school; 4. help their daughter be appropriately dressed and prepared for school; 5. ensure that their daughter attends school regularly and on time; 6. promptly report to the school their daughter’s absence or late arrival; 7. demonstrate support for the Havergal College Code of Conduct as well as the school rules and policies; 8. encourage and assist their daughter in following the Havergal College Code of Conduct and school rules; and 9. assist and support school staff in addressing disciplinary issues involving their daughter. 5. Bullying Prevention and Intervention The Accepting Schools Act, known as Bill 13, requires all schools to prevent and address inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour among students in our schools. These behaviours include bullying, discrimination and harassment. The law promotes respect and understanding for all students regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other factor. Bill 13, Accepting Schools Act (2012) begins with a preamble. It says: “The people of Ontario and the Legislative Assembly:
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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