Family Handbook 2018-19
4. be in possession of cigarettes, e‑cigarettes/vape, alcohol or illegal drugs; 5. be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs; 6. provide alcohol, cigarettes and/or drugs to a minor; 7. commit robbery; 8. commit physical or sexual harassment and/or assault; 9. be in possession of, or traffic in, weapons; 10. use any object to threaten, intimidate or cause injury to another person; 11. inflict bodily harm on another person; 12. encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person; and 13. commit an act of vandalism that causes damage to school property or to property located on the premises of the school. 3. The Importance of Speaking Up Havergal College is committed to providing a healthy school environment that is nurturing, caring and respectful of everyone. If a student has been bullied, intimidated or threatened, she needs to confide in an adult at the school. If a student witnesses an act of peer bullying, intimidation or threats, she is a bystander and as such is expected to take steps to help. If the school is not aware of an incident, it cannot act. A student is not tattling by contacting an adult; she is, in fact, upholding Havergal College’s core values by demonstrating courage, compassion and integrity. No one has the right to bully, intimidate or threaten another person. Bystanders who witness others being bullied, intimidated and threatened—and choose not to act responsibly—are complicit in the hurtful behaviour. At Havergal, it is important for people to speak up against intolerance, bigotry, ignorance and willfully hurtful behaviour.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
Havergal College It is the responsibility of the school to:
1. develop policies that set out how the school will implement and enforce its Havergal College Code of Conduct and other rules that promote and support respect, civility, responsible citizenship and the safety and well‑being of others; 2. review policies regularly with students, parents, faculty, staff, volunteers and the community;
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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