Family Handbook 2018-19
Principal The Principal provides strategic oversight and leadership to all aspects of Havergal College while fostering the school’s enduring values: Integrity, Inquiry, Compassion and Courage. As well, the Principal oversees fiscal and human resources management, fundraising and advancement initiatives, the development of faculty and staff, short‑ and long‑term facilities planning, local and global outreach and building relationships within and beyond the Havergal community. The Principal ensures that Havergal’s vision, mission and values guide and support the school’s strategic and operational initiatives and welcomes the opportunity to meet with individual parents to discuss various school‑related topics. The Principal holds faculty and staff accountable for all aspects of their professional conduct. The VP Teaching & Learning provides leadership and strategic oversight for academic programming and Ministry compliance from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. Learning support specialists, Junior School Curriculum Coordinators and Upper School Department Heads work closely with the VP Teaching & Learning to align the teaching, learning and assessment vision of the school. The VP Teaching & Learning oversees the professional development of all faculty. The VP consults with faculty and other school leaders in dealing with serious student discipline and faculty/staff accountability related issues. Vice Principal (VP) School Life & Student Wellness The VP School Life & Student Wellness provides leadership and strategic oversight for the day‑to‑day operations of the Upper School (Grades 7 to 12), which includes the Boarding School (Grades 9 to 12). The VP School Life & Student Wellness also works collaboratively with the School Nurse, Social Worker, Guidance department, Head of Junior School, Head of Middle School and Head of Boarding School to ensure that students’ social, emotional, health and wellness needs are addressed from JK to Grade 12. The VP consults with faculty, staff and other school leaders in dealing with serious student discipline and faculty/staff accountability related issues. Vice Principal (VP) Teaching & Learning
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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