Family Handbook 2018-19
Upper School Awards & Accolades Students achieving academic, character, leadership and/or athletic awards are acknowledged at different times through the school year. Our Academic Awards Ceremony takes place in October and recognize academic, character and leadership accolades that students have earned from the previous school year. In this way, results from final (June) exams written by students in Grades 7 to 11 are used to help determine academic accolades whose terms of reference are informed by year‑end marks. As well, the ceremony acknoedkges students achieving the highest academic standing in their respective grade. Grade 12 students receive their academic, character and leadership accolades at their graduation ceremony, which takes place in June. Additionally, Grade 7‑12 students are acknowledged at 'Student Achievement Prayers', which take place in January & May 2019. Here students are recognized for their achievements in math contests, language competitions, computer programming, music, drama, debating, Model United Nations, and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Students are also recognized at three seasonal Athletic Assemblies and a year‑end Performing Arts Assembly takes place in the spring to acknowledge student participation in Havergal’s band, vocal, strings, dance and/or drama co‑curricular opportunities.Taken collectively, these opportunities signal to Upper School students, and our community, that student achievement at Havergal College takes different forms. Honours and Distinction Students in Grades 9‑12 can achieve Honours and Distinction accolades. Students achieving Honours and Distinction accolades will receive a certificate and pin in the mail by the end of August. They will also have their names published in the fall edition of the Torch . Honours and Distinction status is determined according to the terms of reference noted below. Grades 9 & 10 ● Honours is achieved when a student earns an average mark of 80‑89.4% in her best six courses . ● Distinction is achieved when a student earns an average mark of at least 90% in her best six courses .
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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