Family Handbook 2018-19
Block Rotation The school operates on a rotating, four‑block, eight‑day cycle that students experience as odd and even days. In this model, your daughter will see her respective subject teachers every other day. The block rotation schedule has been established for the entire school year and your daughter can access it in print by referring to her school‑issued student agenda or through the online calendar. Prayers: Monday, Thursday and Friday Upper School students, faculty and staff gather for Prayers three times weekly. Students are invited to reflect on the resonance of the school’s mission and values and how they can apply these ideas to their own lives. Students who would like to present in Prayers must see the the Chaplain or VP School Life & Student Wellness. Students who would like to make an announcement at Prayers must seek approval from the VP School Life & Student Wellness. All messages, videos and presentations must be vetted in advance by the Chaplain, a faculty member or a vice principal.
Students who are caught skipping Prayers may will receive a Saturday detention.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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