Family Handbook 2017-18
Fitness Room Use of the equipment without teacher supervision is strictly limited to those who meet ALL of the following condi ons.
Students must:
1. be in Grade 9 or above; 2. agree to the Acknowledgement and Assump on of Risk form at enrollment and re‐enrollment and online; 3. successfully complete a training program (in Physical Educa on or through arrangement with Health and Physical Educa on Department) on the equipment; 4. wear an appropriate Havergal Physical Educa on uniform (running shoes, shorts, T‐shirt); 5. have a buddy in the room at all mes; 6. not admit (or make use of) a personal trainer in the Fitness Room; 7. not sign guests into the Fitness Room; 8. follow sign in/sign out procedures in the Fitness Room binder; 9. use the equipment in the way in which it was intended and within the limits of your ability; 10. use a spo er when barbells are part of the exercise regimen; and 11. leave the Fitness Room in readiness for other users, including wiping off the equipment. Misuse of the Fitness Room will result in loss of privileges. Agreement by a parent means: 1. Parents cer fy that their child is in good health and physically fit and has not been advised by a physician not to par cipate in physical ac vity of this nature. The parent knows of no physical, medical, emo onal or psychological reason why his/her child is not would be at a high risk of injury resul ng from the use of the equipment in the Fitness Room. 2. Parents acknowledge that the staff members of Havergal College are available to more fully explain the nature and demands of the Fitness Room equipment use and the inherent risks, hazards and dangers associated with it. 3. Parents understand that although Havergal College has taken precau ons to provide appropriate rules, security and monitoring of the Fitness Room in order to either eliminate or reduce the poten al for injury, circumstances may arise which are not foreseeable or which are beyond the control of Havergal College. 4. Parents acknowledge that Havergal College cannot guarantee absolute safety. Parents also understand that his/her child is, in part, responsible for her own safety and that she must comply with the instruc ons and direc ons of Havergal College and other staff members
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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