Family Handbook 2017-18
Forum for Change The Forum for Change is an incuba on space for the transforma on of student ideas into ac on – s mula ng the thought process, exposing students to the world to enable them to discover their interests and then guiding these interests to effec ve ac on with impact. It is vital that students experience the world and apply their knowledge to their interac ons with others. When students enter the Forum for Change, our conversa ons start with their ideas and passions, with which we are always intrigued and to which we say “yes.” No idea is impossible. We help students figure out where to start. Helping students with their ideas is the impetus for the Students Act Now program. The conversa on con nues as we incubate the ideas and coach students to determine the scope of their engagement and connec ons with others. We help students define what success means to them. We support them as they take the risk of trying something new. Inevitably, the process is not linear. It may involve the experience of failure, of redefining goals and of becoming more comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. The Forum for Change helps students develop the global knowledge and skills they’ll need to be successful any me, anywhere, with anyone. It does this by working collabora vely with faculty and staff to help connect students to the world outside of the classroom. Global Experience Program (GEP) When par cipa ng in the Global Experience Program, students are challenged to engage with people in different places. This is not service—we do not help or give and it is not about fundraising. It is about partnering with others to achieve shared objec ves. Those with whom we work know be er than we do what they want and need in their lives. We learn by working together. The prac ce of effec ve impact is a whole‐life con nuum and a lifelong endeavour: at school, in communi es and, eventually, in work. Many of the GEP programs are centred on community partnerships and are connected to our Old Girls, demonstra ng to students their world‐wide connec ons and the wide range of endeavours available to a Havergal Old Girl. Through local and interna onal experiences, students will develop the belief in their own abili es and in their capabili es to learn, acquire new skills and adapt to new situa ons. The GEP includes: local partnerships, exchange programs and interna onal partnerships.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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